Технология постройки дома из

House Building Technology

Технология строительства каркасного домаIn the construction of a home from scratch, preference is given to warm, comfortable and reliable projects. Until recently, the development of bricks, foams and other reliable materials has been very popular, which guaranteed long-term exploitation and full security. Wooden buildingsso popular in European countries were not considered reliable, unethical and cheap.

For the time being, the wooden buildings are gradually offsetting the other species, thanks to their ecological purity and relative costly projects.Возведение каркасного дома In addition, carcass houses, which at their cost become an affordable and viable alternative to close urban flats, are particularly popular. Prettily and practical houses are being built near the city, which, by their quality, do not give way to apartments and bricks. For an acceptable cost, comfortable housing is being built as soon as possible with a significant increase in the area and the same amount.

In many surrounding countries Carcasing technology I've been very popular and recognized for a long time.Структура щита для обшивки каркасного дома In order to understand the principles of carcasing and to ascertain its functionality and practicality, it is necessary to identify all the advantages and disadvantages of technology and compare it with the rest of the building. First of all, it must be understood what the carcasing house is and what materials will be needed for its installation.

What makes a carcass house and its kinds based on materials?

The notion of a carcasing house should be taken literally.Порядок монтажа каркасного дома The building would indeed consist of an internal carcasus which would be subject to internal and external special materials. Both leaf materials (CCNs, OSB and plywood) and chassis (blockhouse, wagon or simulated bruises) are used for external and internal leaching. The insides of the walls shall be filled with any contour - glass, minerals, foam or foam. The main load of the building is divided into carcas, which can be both wood and metal, although the first option is used much more frequently.

Каркасный дом, отделанный сайдингом Схема деревянного каркасного дома Каркасный дом в разрезе Каркас из термопрофиля
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