What Blocks Are Better To Build A House
Monolyte concrete blocks, which are manufactured from sand, various derivatives (gloines, news or cement) and also from fillers (keramsitis or slags), are most commonly used in the construction of houses and economic structures. They have many advantages over other construction materials. Initially, this is a small unit of the material which does not exceed 1,800 kg/m3. relatively small cost and good thermal insulation properties of the blocks. To know what blocks are better for building houses Let's see their main types.
So, construction materials such as:
- Keramzitobeton blocks
- Polysirolbeton blocks
- Shlakoblocks
- Egg blocks
They are all structural, material and manufacturing technology.
The cell blocks are designed to build small-sized houses (not more than 2 floors). Such building blocks have high thermal and audible insulation properties due to their deplorable structure, and a large number of moistures are absorbed. In order to prevent the destruction of walls, the blocks cover a special waterproof convoy. They cannot be used in the construction of economic structures because they need to be periodically heated.
The cell blocks in turn are divided into three other types:
- Gaseton blocks
- Peneton blocks
- Gaseous units
Gaseton and gasoline materials are often perceived as the same material due to similar structure and composition. But it doesn't seem right. Both materials differ not only from production technology but also from the characteristics.
Gaseton blocks
This construction material is made of such components as cement, beacons, sand and water. More than 50 per cent of the gasoline is cemented. The blatant structure of the material shall be performed by the incineration of the solution produced by gas. Aluminium cannon is added to this process. Gas cell blocks shall be filled naturally without the use of a carclave. The product has dark grey color. The material does not absorb the moisture that results in the destruction of the walls, but is characterized by poor sound isolation.