Wooden Technology
The most commonly used part of the barrel is the so-called " first forest " , which distinguishes the minimum number of bitches.
Of all the breeds, unconditioned leaders are pine and leaflets, less use is made of trees and cadres. Last actuated building houses from a large diameter log, 40 cm.
Winter is the most appropriate time of the year to make and build a cut.♪ It is at this time that the tree stems are no longer collated, which means that the cuts are not so raw. While the northern forest is much better than the southern one: in the cold climate, trees grow slower, and their woods become more dense and even a year from year to year.
Given the diameter of the brane, all the houses of the hand shirt can be divided into three categories.
- Houses with a small diameter of 15 to 25 cm are only suitable as economic and temporary structures.
- Houses with a diameter of 26 to 40 cm are suitable for permanent round-trip residence.
- An exclusive diameter house between 40 and 60 cm (but possibly more) Such houses are also suitable for permanent round-trip accommodation. However, their construction would cost much more than compact predecessors, all because of the uniqueness of such trees. By the same price category, we can count houses from laphate, and they also have very large diagrams.
The greater the diameter of the shrimp, the more economical the heating system of the cut: it is smaller than the vents, and the heat remains better.
Our ancestors have grown trees for a cut long and carefully: each chosen barrel has been stitched, removing the short strips at all altitudes and leaving the stripes of the untouched crust for coding.
In five years of such growth, the tree was cloaked on the root, and only after that was cut off. But nowadays, neither the builders nor the future owners of the houses wish to wait long, and modern anti-septics protect the tree in short time. That's why the tree grows on its own, and then it's already being robbed.