Проект деревянного дома

Drawings Of Wooden Houses

1003Respectful customers!

We'll be able to inform you of the new stock in our company!

The stock starts with the First June.

All installation work for any type of foundation is 50 per cent discount.

Don't take your chance to order a 50 per cent discount to mount a poundadet!

Respectful customers!

We'll be able to inform you of the new company share. "Dreamy House Building."

In order for the construction kit, the roofing is free!


CompanyWooden House"Congratulations you and New 2013!

Only before the stock is activated, discount 10% All work.

It's also a stock.

АкцияDon't miss your chance, make yourself a gift in the new year!

New projects

Village houses in our country are predominantly one or two-storey buildings, which do not exceed 200 square metres. Although the house had been robbed only one floor long ago, it was because of the desire to lower the cost of heating.

Ours are being created in accordance with the modern requirements and traditions of the Russian village. All the woodwork projects we've submitted are designed for permanent residence, i.e. a rubber house, you can use a year round.

It should be noted that building low-cost, but redesigning and rebuilding, you don't even want the enemy.

We have considerable experience in the design of wooden houses, so it is easy to help develop an individual project, an architectural design and a plan for your home.

All projects presented on our website can be easily adapted to your desires and needs, i.e. changing the size, if necessary or possible, of adding or removing capital walls, reducing or increasing the height of the house and so on.
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